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MMA - Fitness - Self Defense

We are not for everyone.

We will take you if you're a professional fighter looking to sharpen your skills or a person just looking for a hobby. Maybe you are a business owner hosting a team-building event that might make employees safer, or you are a parent who takes protecting your family seriously. You can train every day or once a week. We don't care if you're fat. We don't care if you're strong. We don't care if you're good at this or bad at this. We don't care whether you've ever played a sport before. Maybe you just want to get into the ring once as a personal challenge or to cross it off a bucket list. Maybe you have no aspirations of fighting, but you would like to train like a fighter and learn "the real shit." RKM Training creates custom solutions for almost all problems related to martial arts, combat sports and self defense, but we are not for everyone. RKM Training provides the highest level of martial arts and fitness training in Myrtle Beach to clients of all skill and experience levels. If the highest level of training is not what you want... if you want something other than that... RKM is not for you.


Adults, Teens and Children


Personal Training

Health and Fitness

Programs are designed from scratch for the individual based on their goals, ability and schedule. Programs can be designed for weight loss, muscle toning, strength and conditioning, mobility and flexibility or any combination of goals. You will be held accountable and pushed to your limits, but you will not be screamed at or demoralized. Your progression will be scheduled realistically, in order to create safe and lasting results.

Image by Timothy Eberly

MMA and Kickboxing

The Best at the Beach

We offer a full spectrum of mixed martial arts training, with a specialization in striking. RKM has the absolute best kickboxing curriculum in the area by a wide margin. We also incorporate wrestling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and various other martial arts to create a full mixed martial arts program. RKM Fighters are dominant because of their footwork, timing and aggression. They are feared because they never get tired.


Self Defense

Street Tested, No Theory

The personal and physical safety of you and your family is your responsibility and you have a 2/3 chance of being the victim of an assault in your lifetime. Many people believe that they will "rise to the occasion" when the time comes. This does not happen. Our self-defense programs are based off of real life violent encounters and incorporate a handful of general principles, rather than hundreds of specific techniques.

We are not accepting new individual clients.

We do have limited availability for professional fighters looking for training in a complete striking system or martial arts school owners seeking instructor development. We are also accepting bookings for businesses and small groups holding seminars, conferences or team-building events.

Please use the form to tell us about your needs, including number of students and dates.

Please include as many details as possible.

©2017 by RKM Training.

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